The Growth Path For Zero Net Energy Homes

The Growth Path For Zero Net Energy Homes

“The information age technologies incorporated into a comprehensive solution ZNE home will enable home operations to realize target performance results measured by:
  • Occupant comfort and productivity
  • Cost optimization across a range of options including energy efficiency, onsite generation, grid purchases and use of onsite battery storage
  • Demand avoidance during critical grid-peak time periods
  • Reduced environmental impacts  ”  —By Bill Roth

The article mentions “four components of comprehensive building design” but leaves out an important component: Building Envelope.  A poor building envelope will result in oversizing of HVAC equipment and renewable solutions.  Another key component is education for proper operations and maintenance.  A home maybe designed with technologies to make it more energy efficiency and reduce consumption but if the individual operating and maintaining the technologies/home is not trained there is a potential for problems.