Integrated Grid

EPRI’s Jeffrey Hamel, the executive director of the Power Delivery and Utilization Team, authored the report The Integrated Grid.  The main focus of the report according to Hamel is how DG resources, generation and storage should be integrated together.

The first two phases are:

The Integrated Grid: Realizing the Full Value of Central and Distributed Energy Resources.

The Integrated Grid Phase II: Development of a Benefit-Cost Framework.

“The intent of these papers is to align stakeholders on the main issues while outlining real examples to support open fact-based discussion. Input and review were provided by various stakeholders from the energy sector including utilities, regulatory agencies, equipment suppliers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other interested parties. ”

Smart Grid: Austin Energy: A real-life advanced distribution management system (ADMS)


“Austin Energy hopes their ADMS will help them achieve a number of energy efficiency, profitability and customer service goals by 2020, such as”:


  • 35% renewable energy component in its energy mix
  • The deployment of 200 Megawatts (MWs) of solar power, with half of that being installed on roof tops
  • An 800 MW peak demand reduction
  • Overall, customer satisfaction of 82% as measured by a variety of surveys
  • Maintain reliability goals of  System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) of 60 minutes and of System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) of 0.8 interruptions
  • All of these goals must be achieved while meeting affordability measures of no more than an average 2% rate increase per year and ensuring that the average residential bill is in the bottom 50% of the residential bills in Texas.

article by smart grid technology

Energy Microgrid for Bridgeport

Energy Microgrid for Bridgeport

“Administered by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) Bureau of Energy and Technology, this project will serve as a case study on how to implement microgrids on a wide scale. Additionally, according to a recent report, this movement from traditional/privately owned microgrids to those funded publicly will drive the microgrid market from an $8 billion-per-year industry in 2013 to a $40 billion-per-year industry by 2020.”